Wales Prepares for International Anti-Slavery Day


As the world prepares for International Anti-Slavery Day on Sunday, October 18th 2015, the Welsh government is taking proactive measures to ensure that their citizens are well-educated. According to an article published by the South Wales Argus, members of the Welsh police and government have banded together to raise awareness and educate the public so that they can become involved in the effort.

Educating on Slavery Issues


The South Wales Argus quoted Detective Superintendent Paul Griffiths as saying, “When you look at the offense of slavery, servitude and forced labour, these are horrendous crimes against people”, illustrating the dire need for public involvement.

The aim of Mr. Griffiths and others is to create an educated populace that can recognize and report offenses.

There has been a slew of recent transgressions that has shown the need for involvement at all levels to eradicate the problem throughout Wales and the world. Slavery is an extremely pervasive issue that too often takes advantage of those who are most vulnerable.

Stephen Chapman, who is the anti-slavery coordinator for the Welsh government, has noted that the victims “do not realise that they are victims and that they’re exploited”, according to the South Wales Argus. Mr. Chapman explained that there are tell-tale signs of forced labor and slavery and that people within Wales who notice these should contact the Modern Slavery Helpline at 0800 012 1700.

With the recent implementation of the U.K. Modern Day Slavery Act and other similar regulations, many companies have been on the alert for human rights violations within their supply chain. While their 1st tier suppliers may be ethically conducting business in the apparent sense, once the companies dig deeper into their 2nd and even 3rd tier suppliers, that’s where things can become uncertain.

To find out how Source Intelligence can help you ensure your supply chain remains undisrupted and that you are sourcing ethical labor, click here.


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