Reporting on Extended Minerals in Your Supply Chain

Efficiently Conduct Cobalt and Mica Due Diligence for ESG-Focused Companies with the Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT)


Cobalt and mica, otherwise called extended minerals, are used to manufacture many products, including electronics, automotive parts, and cosmetics. Unfortunately, cobalt and mica are abundant in high-risk, conflict-affected areas, which means they are associated with armed conflict and human rights abuses.

Despite the high demand for these minerals in global supply chains, there are no regulations enforcing responsible sourcing practices for extended minerals. However, many ESG-focused companies have implemented their own responsible sourcing policies for their suppliers and voluntarily report on extended minerals in their supply chains with various tools
and technology.


In this E-Book, we go into detail on the following topics:

    • Understanding extended minerals

      • What are extended minerals?
        • Cobalt
        • Mica
      • Why is cobalt and mica mining a problem?
    • Reporting on extended minerals in your supply chain
    • Leveraging the EMRT for extended minerals reporting

      • What information is included on the EMRT?
      • How is the EMRT different from the CMRT?
      • Beyond extended minerals: the Pilot Reporting Template (PRT)
    • Responsibly source cobalt and mica with confidence
      • Source Intelligence's conflict minerals program


Download our E-Book to learn more:


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