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What is the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT)?

Written by Source Intelligence | May 8, 2023 7:00:00 PM

The Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) is a standardized template for gathering supplier data on conflict minerals, otherwise known as 3TG. Currently, four minerals are considered conflict minerals: tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold. The template is a free, downloadable Excel spreadsheet developed and managed by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI). It follows the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Due Diligence Guidance.  

Continue reading for answers to frequent questions about the CMRT and information about the latest template version—the CMRT v. 6.31.  

What is the purpose of the CMRT?

A global tool used across all industries, the CMRT is essential for conflict minerals compliance. The purpose of the CMRT is to guide companies through collecting supplier data on 3TG within their supply chains. Companies utilize the CMRT to meet conflict minerals reporting requirements and publicly disclose sourcing information to investors and customers. 

The template facilitates the transfer of supply chain data between companies and their suppliers, including information about the mineral’s country of origin and its utilized smelters and refiners. It also serves the RMI in identifying new smelters and refiners for potential audits via the RMI’s Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP). 

Download the CMRT v. 6.31

Updated versions of the CMRT are released regularly by the RMI. The latest update, version 6.31, was released on May 26, 2023. Updates to the template include corrections to all reported bugs and errors, tips on the Instructions tabs, enhancements that do not conflict with IPC-1755A, an update to ISO short names for countries, states, and provinces, and updates to the Smelter Reference List and Standard Smelter List.

Who needs to report on conflict minerals?

Companies within the scope of Section 1502 of the United States (U.S.) Dodd-Frank Act and the European Union (EU) Conflict Minerals Regulation must meet all conflict minerals reporting requirements. The U.S. Dodd-Frank Act applies to public companies that utilize conflict minerals in their manufacturing process, and the EU Conflict Minerals Regulation applies to all EU importers of conflict minerals sourced from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRAs).  

The U.S. and the EU have specific conflict minerals reporting requirements, but the CMRT is universal in helping companies gather supplier data for reporting purposes. The RMI advises companies to update the collected information in the CMRT annually at a minimum. 

What is the difference between the CMRT and the EMRT?

The most significant difference between the CMRT and the Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT) is for which minerals the template is intended. The CMRT is utilized to report on conflict minerals (the 3TG: tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold), while the EMRT is intended for cobalt and mica, otherwise known as extended minerals.  

Another difference is that completing the CMRT is mandatory for companies required to report on conflict minerals, but the EMRT is used for voluntarily reporting on extended minerals. Companies that complete EMRTs go beyond what is required to fulfill their supply chain due diligence obligations, typically to meet sustainability goals and protect brand reputation.  

What information is required to complete a CMRT?

The CMRT Excel spreadsheet contains eight sheets. Some sheets provide information on filling out the template, while others require user input from suppliers. The information required from suppliers to complete a CMRT falls under four main sections: 

  • Company information – a series of questions about your supplier
  • Due diligence information – a series of questions to collect information about the use of 3TG in your company’s products to determine regulatory applicability and to assess your supplier’s overall responsible minerals sourcing due diligence efforts
  • A product list – an area to reference parts numbers for product-level scope declarations
  • A smelter list – an area to identify any utilized smelters and refiners

Source Intelligence's Conflict Minerals Program 

Complying with conflict minerals reporting requirements poses several challenges, such as low supplier response rates and incomplete or inaccurate supplier data. Chasing down suppliers for the information you need consumes valuable resources and exposes your business to risk legally, financially, and reputationally. The Source Intelligence conflict minerals program helps companies avoid those challenges and reduce risk in their supply chain. 

Our supplier engagement team follows up with suppliers to collect CMRTs using best practices to limit supplier fatigue. All submitted data is validated, and any inconsistent or incomplete data is followed up on. We also provide data verification of listed smelters and refiners. All this information is then compiled into one concise, comprehensive report for data analysis.  

Our conflict minerals program also extends to unregulated minerals; EMRTs and Pilot Reporting Templates (PRTs) can also be collected and analyzed for reporting purposes. 

Simplify conflict minerals reporting with Source Intelligence. Schedule a demo today to learn how we can help.